5th May 2005
Our first storm day in the USA. Near Roswell, New Mexico.
Date: 04/22/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 2 items
Views: 7019
6th May 2005
Dryline LP storms in north-eastern New Mexico.
Date: 04/22/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 1 item
Views: 5975
8th May 2005
Two nice supercells, some large hail and some very nice wall clouds made for a great chase day around central Texas.
Date: 04/22/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 6 items
Views: 10273
11th May 2005
Big chance of seeing tornadoes this day. Cap ended up breaking too late but we still saw some AWESOME supercells and a phenomenal lightning display.
Date: 04/22/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 13 items
Views: 17098
12th May 2005
Although not our car, this is what softball sized hail does to a vehicle. This was one of the big days of May 2005 for chasers. We missed the tornadoes but again saw some great wall clouds and structure. (More pics to come).
Date: 04/22/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 2 items
Views: 6964
13th May 2005
Date: 04/22/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 7 items
Views: 11577
21th May 2005
Bustola. The cap didn't break this day and we missed out along with hundreds of other chasers. This pic shows how well the dryline is defined. Completely clear air on the right (west), cloud on the left (east).
Date: 04/22/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 1 item
Views: 6252
22th May 2005
Another semi-bust. A line of storms developed at 10pm so we headed out for some lightning. Whilst watching/taking pics, we saw hundreds of firefly's. This is a pic of one.
Date: 04/22/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 1 item
Views: 6810
23th May 2005
After a long drive, we scored some storms in the Texas Panhandle which were lit up nicely by the setting sun.
Date: 04/22/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 3 items
Views: 7937
24th May 2005
Some great high plains action was had on this day in Colorado with some nice late afternoon supercells near Lamar followed by an incredible squall line in the evening.
Date: 04/23/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 11 items
Views: 13967
25th May 2005
Another awesome high plains day, this time in New Mexico where we witnessed some incredible mammatus and a very nice wall cloud.
Date: 04/23/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 8 items
Views: 11812
28th May 2005
A slow moving storm and some very lucky photography provided for some nice images of this SE Colorado storm.
Date: 04/23/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 9 items
Views: 12064
30th May 2005
Another tornado day! We scored 3 great supercells this day with the last one producing a nice cone tornado (see pics).
Date: 04/23/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 4 items
Views: 8108
31st May 2005
Another incredible day with 2 HP supercells, some big hail that dented out car and an awesome sunset.
Date: 04/23/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 17 items
Views: 16854
2nd June 2005
After busting in Kansas earlier this day, we raced 200 miles west to Colorado where we scored some AWESOME night-time structure as a long-lived supercell continued well into the night.
Date: 04/23/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 7 items
Views: 9202
3rd June 2005
We chased at 5000ft ASL this day in Colorado and scored a nice shelf cloud and later in the evening a pile of small hail which covered the ground. A nice way to end our USA chase.
Date: 04/23/06
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 8 items
Views: 10551