We chased a tornado-warned cell in north eastern Texas but it didn't produce and was rapidly outflow dominant. Still made for some nice photos.
Date: 05/10/08
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 12 items
Crossing the very wet looking dryline boundary in northern Texas
Date: 05/08/08
Views: 16588
Doppler on wheels...(DOW). (For those not aware, this is a mobile weather radar used for research purposes).
Date: 05/08/08
Views: 14069
The tornado-warned storm north east of Dallas on our radar.
Date: 05/08/08
Views: 14955
This isn't the tornado warned storm (the photos of it are crap). This is another storm which moved up behind it. The following 5 photos are a sequence (kinda) as the outflow moved over us.